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The process for a learner gaining a place at Strathmore adheres to the Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years Statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.

Learners must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) unless the place is requested for an Assessment (e.g. learners moving into the country from overseas).

We welcome parents/guardians to look at the online tour of the school. If, following contact from the school a visit is arranged, we recommend that parents/guardians bring someone who knows the child well. In 2022-23 we are planning to hold some open days for prospective parents to visit.

Parents must make a request to their Local Authority for a place at Strathmore. All requests for places at Strathmore must come from the learner's own Local Authority. Where the learner lives outside Richmond and Kingston, that Local Authority must also consult Achieving for Children.

Upon formal consultation request, school will assess if they can meet the needs of the learner (which will usually involve visiting the learner in their current setting or at home). The school will then offer a place providing that:  

  1. The placement is appropriate for the age, ability, aptitude and special
    educational needs of the child or young person
  2. The attendance of the child or young person is compatible with efficient
    education of others, and the efficient use of resources.

The school will respond to formal consultations within 15 days, unless school holidays require a delay in responding, which the school will request. The response will also indicate the level of support the school assesses the learner to need (Banding Level) and any specific arrangements the Local Authority is required to provide to cater for the learner’s needs (e.g. commissioning additional Therapy or specialist equipment).

Where a learner does not have an EHCP, the Local Authority will consult the school on an Assessment Placement. Where the learner lives outside Richmond and Kingston, that Local Authority must also consult Achieving for Children. On receiving this request, the school will (in agreement with parents/carers) undertake a home visit to initially assess if we can meet needs. If the school believes that it is appropriate for an Assessment Placement, we will inform the Local Authority and arrange for the learner to begin attending as soon as possible.

The Assessment Placement is offered subject to the Local Authority immediately initiating an EHCP needs assessment.

The Auriga Academy Trust is the admission authority and are also responsible for arranging and providing the appeals process against a refusal.

More information can be found on the Local Offer website: