Strathmore School is a happy, thriving, oversubscribed and growing special school for children and young people aged 4 -19 with severe and complex learning difficulties including those with an additional diagnosis of autism and/or physical/sensory disabilities. We are committed to supporting all of our learners to achieve and enjoy and be stimulated and challenged to fulfil their potential. Our well qualified and dedicated staff have high expectations of our learners, and we all have the highest expectations of ourselves.
Message from Friends of Strathmore School (FOSS):
Message from Friends of Strathmore School (FOSS):
The transition event is running again this year, and it will be a great opportunity to come and talk to organisations and local colleges about the next steps for the students once they leave Strathmore. The students will be running the Cafe Vanilla, and we will also have information about Strathm...
Message from Friends of Strathmore School (FOSS)
Message from Chair of Governors
Please see the flyer below for more details.
On the 29th of November, we welcomed The Victoria Foundation and their Trustees and Ambassadors along with an Auriga Academy Trustee and parents to the formal unveiling of the new minibus at The Russell campus.
The Official Opening of Sophia's Meadow at Strathmore@The Russell took place on 28th June 2023. Please view the making of Sophia's Meadow here:
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TW10 7AH
020 8948 0047 ext.201
Ham Street
TW10 7HN
020 8948 0047 ext.301
Niton Road
020 88766721