Physical Education
Being physical is really important for behaviour and overall wellbeing. Creating lots of opportunities in the day to move will support a healthy lifestyle and create opportunities to have fun. As well as keeping fit games can support your child with catching, jumping, turn taking, walking and running.
- Daily Challenge! Physical exercise with Sybil: Daily Challenge! Physical exercise with Sybil - YouTube
- Daily Challenge with Sybil: Daily challenge with Sybil - YouTube
- Let’s do Yoga – with Beata: Let`s Do Yoga - with Beata - YouTube
- Here is the Dance teacher leading a Dance Session: Dance Class - YouTube
- Here is great link for our Primary Learners to enjoy from the Little Gym UK at home: The Little Gym UK at Home: Pre-School Ages 3-6 years Lesson 1 - YouTube
- Here is St Mary’s University students delivering some online dance first lessons: Week 1 - YouTube
- Here is St Mary’s University students delivering some online dance second lessons: Week 3 - YouTube